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Re: Sunday!

ME... coz i am doing the Dragon enduro which is being run at that very place ! Think they are using the wall, whites and Skyline trails..mmmm wish i had a full susser !!!

Re: Re: Sunday!

I'm 99.999999999999999999999999999% sure that i won't be able to make it!!!

getting my bike tomorrow

Re: Re: Re: Sunday! HEY DAN " no fattie" BRIGHT

How is it mate....

Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

@ Chris. Man - when will you ever keep a bike for more than 6 months?! Saw on STW that you were thinking of selling the Cotic already and wanted something with more travel than the Mav? WTF? How did you end up with a hardtail?!

Mate - you're mental. Don't ever change


I'll come out to play on sunday.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!....CHEERS STEVE

keep a bike for more than 6 months!!!....what a dreadful thought....

Changed my mind already i haven't....yes i not really sure...full ..9" Downhill bike..

ho ho ho ...

p.s. keepin the Cotic i am not...yes i am...

Re: Re: Sunday!


Sorry I'm being a bit dense today. Do you mean that the enduro is on at Afan this Sunday? Won't the trails be off limits for those not competing.

Stephen W

Re: Sunday!

Will this be an all day thing? I'd like to come but probs have to head home early afternoon. Where and when do you all meet up and how long is the drive?

Re: Re: Sunday!

Looks like we`ll have to choose different ride as I think Afan will probably be a bit hectic with the event going on. I was gonna suggest Mr Poulson lead a Black Mountains/Brecons ride but he`s selfishly decided on doing Scotland instead!!
Any other suggestions??
Plus just to let you know were doing a Mendips ride early Sat. morning if anyones around?

Re: Sunday!

im heading off to cwm carn for a 2 lap burn up,
still got 2 places left in my car, its a good ride and you can get back in time to do some diy or sunday jobies,, come on get ass in gear boys and girls.

Re: Re: Sunday!

Sorry Sam. Could you remember that route I showed you a few times in the Black Mnts? Rob knows it well too and is looking for a ride I think.

Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

Anyone fancy the Forest of Dean??? Haven't been over there for a few months.

Stephen W.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

I'd be up for either FoD or Black Mountains. I know a few routes in the Black Mts. Does anyone know any different routes in FoD, besides the one we do everytime?

: Sunday!

I`d be up for the Black Mountains!FOD is good and all but doesn`t have that epic feel to it!!

Re: : Sunday!

Shall we say 9:00 O'Clock at the Cottage then. Route I'm thinking of would start at Bwlch which is about an hour and a quarters drive. Probably be a 4 hr ride.

Re: Re: : Sunday!

Is this gonna be an epic elite boys ride or can I come too?

Re: Re: Re: : Sunday!

Depends if you like pushing your bike up steep hills, riding through bogs and ruts made by motorbikes and fast rocky descents

If it's the route I think Rob is thinking of doing, it has all of the above plus superb views, nice (tough) climbs, some amazing singletrack (well, it was when I did it in the dry the other week) and 2 superb descents, straight down the side of a mountain.

Pray for dry trails and sunshine

Re: Re: Re: Re: : Sunday!

I think this is one for everybody, because it has the potential to pull out at different points during the ride if you've had enough. I reserve the right to pull out too, as my elbow is still giving me grief and might not be up to it

Re: Re: Re: Re: : Sunday!

Sounds perfect!
I'll go to Bwlch straight from Cardiff. Where will I find yous?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: : Sunday!

I reckon you gotta be near enough elite now Clare after last weeks ride! Good training and all that!
I`m not sure where belch is, have to ask Rob!

Re: Re: : Sunday!

Hopefully see you at the cottage at 9. If I am not there by then it means I can't make it.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

the forest of doom sounds good to me

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

Bwlch is on the A40 about 5 miles after Crickhowell. Not sure exactly where we're parking yet, but I'll post spot later/tomorrow.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

Best place to meet up would be lay-by on LHS of A40 about 2.5KM this side of Bwlch (about 10.15 ish). It is just past a pub. We'll park out the other side of Bwlch for the ride, but as its down country lanes, best follow each other from the lay-by.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

OK, see you there. Any probs I'm on 07nine76four70848.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

Hopefully see you at Bwilch for 10.15


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

Sorry guys. Can't make it somethings come up. Gonna have a bimble around chedder in the afternoon.
