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Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

Anyone fancy the Forest of Dean??? Haven't been over there for a few months.

Stephen W.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

I'd be up for either FoD or Black Mountains. I know a few routes in the Black Mts. Does anyone know any different routes in FoD, besides the one we do everytime?

: Sunday!

I`d be up for the Black Mountains!FOD is good and all but doesn`t have that epic feel to it!!

Re: : Sunday!

Shall we say 9:00 O'Clock at the Cottage then. Route I'm thinking of would start at Bwlch which is about an hour and a quarters drive. Probably be a 4 hr ride.

Re: Re: : Sunday!

Is this gonna be an epic elite boys ride or can I come too?

Re: Re: Re: : Sunday!

Depends if you like pushing your bike up steep hills, riding through bogs and ruts made by motorbikes and fast rocky descents

If it's the route I think Rob is thinking of doing, it has all of the above plus superb views, nice (tough) climbs, some amazing singletrack (well, it was when I did it in the dry the other week) and 2 superb descents, straight down the side of a mountain.

Pray for dry trails and sunshine

Re: Re: Re: Re: : Sunday!

I think this is one for everybody, because it has the potential to pull out at different points during the ride if you've had enough. I reserve the right to pull out too, as my elbow is still giving me grief and might not be up to it

Re: Re: Re: Re: : Sunday!

Sounds perfect!
I'll go to Bwlch straight from Cardiff. Where will I find yous?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: : Sunday!

I reckon you gotta be near enough elite now Clare after last weeks ride! Good training and all that!
I`m not sure where belch is, have to ask Rob!

Re: Re: : Sunday!

Hopefully see you at the cottage at 9. If I am not there by then it means I can't make it.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

the forest of doom sounds good to me

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

Bwlch is on the A40 about 5 miles after Crickhowell. Not sure exactly where we're parking yet, but I'll post spot later/tomorrow.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

Best place to meet up would be lay-by on LHS of A40 about 2.5KM this side of Bwlch (about 10.15 ish). It is just past a pub. We'll park out the other side of Bwlch for the ride, but as its down country lanes, best follow each other from the lay-by.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

OK, see you there. Any probs I'm on 07nine76four70848.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

Hopefully see you at Bwilch for 10.15


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday!

Sorry guys. Can't make it somethings come up. Gonna have a bimble around chedder in the afternoon.
