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help with assignment


I am new to mountain biking but have a course assignment to do on mountain biking. Any advice you could offer would be really welcome.

I need to put together a fictious bid for a mountain biking series covering: promotion of the sport; getting sponsorship and selecting venues.

The elements on which your advice would be really useful are as follows:

a) a strategy to stimulate interest in mountain bike racing

ideas and references for me to get hold of would be good.

b)a strategy to achieve greater sponsorship of the mountain bike series.

who are the sponsors and what are they attracted to?

c)a case for using 5 particular venues for the following mountain bike disciplines

- Cross Country

- Down hill

- 4 cross

- Enduro

Do you know of any reference materials that give a good indication of what goes into a bid for a mountain biking series?

Do you have access to any material on stimulating interest/sponsorship of a cycling series?

Any guidance on the above questions would be great.

