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Beggar Bush Lane Trail Blockages

Went out last night to find big trees and foliage laid accross several parts of the old Beggar Bush Lane trail, including the access point from the quarry fire road.

Have these been put there to create diversions for the Bristol 12 and will be removed after the event or are they using this as a deterrant to stop us from using the old trail (boo hoo)?

Re: Beggar Bush Lane Trail Blockages

I imagine they're intended to be permanant to divert us round the SSSi . But you know what it's like - jungle law out there. Nothing's ever permanant, the sqirrels and rabbits will soon gnaw through that lot and the trail will re-open

Re: Beggar Bush Lane Trail Blockages

Actually I really don't know why they've blocked that section of the trail. I've heard conflicting things but whatever, I think it's bad management and a slap in the face after all the hard work that's been put in by local riders. For more rant and a possible plan of action go to the Trails Group website's forum, if you haven't already.