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Cheddar anyone?

Anyone up for the 27 miler around Cheddar & Mendips on Saturday?
Budgions car park 9:30 (£2:50 / day)

Re: Cheddar anyone?

Hi Paul i think most people might be at the Bristol 12 on Saturday. If i am not at the Bristol 12 on Sat/ Sun, i could be around for Sunday if you can. I will only know though towards the end of Saturday. My mobile number is zero794 one 857631.

Re: Re: Cheddar anyone?

The zero one made me chuckle amongst the numbers .
At the time of posting, I did not know of the date of the Bristol 12, & Sunday will b fine as I am on the London - Brighton ride the following weekend.

Re: Re: Re: Cheddar anyone?

10am Budgions carpark, Cheddar.