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Giler's World Famous Basement

I need to clear out a load of STUFF! Nothing of great quality but all useable gear to keep your old hack or second bike on the road. Gears, brakes, wheels, suspension forks, lights,bars, stems,pretty much everything! All priced to go; nothing more than £5!! Come and have a look or call me on 07792 232 766, cheers, ta.

Re: Giler's World Famous Basement

I've heard rumours that people have entered that basement and never been seen again. Be warned

Re: Re: Giler's World Famous Basement

what about some lovely sparkly new roadie stuff for my newly aquired airborne frame

Re: Re: Giler's World Famous Basement

Can you remember the scene from "Pulp Fiction" ;-)

Dah Dah Dahhhh...