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Exmoor Sunday!

A few of us are gonna be doing the Exmoor ride this Sunday. I f anyone wants to join us we`ll either meet in at the cottage 9am or just outside Dunster10.30am. Should be a good pace and hope for good weather!Sam

Re: Exmoor Sunday!

I may tag along as i've not been to Exmoor on the bike before - see you at the cottage, cheers

Re: Re: Exmoor Sunday!

If I come along can anyone offer a lift?

Re: Re: Re: Exmoor Sunday!

Hi there! Should be a good day Sunday, weather is apparently gonna be good!The route is pretty tough but has some great descents plus top views! Unfortunately the spaces in my car are taken up, but not sure if anyone else has space, i`ll ask around!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Exmoor Sunday!

I have a space in my car, see you at 9am at the cottage.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Exmoor Sunday!

Had to change plans - won't be going to Exmoor...

Re: Exmoor Sunday!

wheres the meeting place