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Re: This Weekend

There are two of us going to Cwm Carn on Sunday if you fancy meeting up (as long as you're not too fit!!).


Re: This Weekend

You meeting @ the Cottage @ 9?

Re: Re: This Weekend

How far do you guys normally cycle on a trip to Cwncarn? Never been there but the pics look great!



Re: Re: Re: This Weekend

I usually only have enough energy for one lap of the course, but might attempt two after coffee and cake!!
Let me know if you fancy it, we are aiming to be there at 0930hrs

Re: This Weekend

Forest of Dean on Sunday if your up for it Andy? Save Afan or Cwm Carn for when its really shite. If youre still keen on Afan/Cwmmy i can send an e-mail out tomorrow (Friday) and summon the troops who dont want to do Sunday's social. Either way let i know my babber!

Cheers Damon

Re: This Weekend

Damon will speak to you tonight mate