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Leigh Woods - Land manager policy on riding

Following on from the recent problems/trashing of trails in Leigh Woods we had a meeting with the land managers last night. Their position is basically that they are fine with people using the unofficial trails over there, subject to a few ground rules. Check them out together with a more detailed summary of the meeting at the trails group forum.

Re: Leigh Woods - Land manager policy on riding


I cant access the trailsgroup from work and I am having PC issues at home.

Could you post up a summary on this forum please? I would like to abide by the new rules etc....



Re: Re: Leigh Woods - Land manager policy on riding

Here's a quick summary I originally put up on the Uni club's website:

1. No man-made structures can be built on the trails. Natural trails, even quite loony ones like Picnic Bench, are OK, subject to the other guidelines below.

2. Don't ride trails in sensitive areas. This means the "no cycling" signed trails, Paradise Bottom (which is a Registered Landscape) and Garlic Valley (which is an SSSI).

3. Respect other users, particularly when using or crossing the gravelled roads. So trails that shoot out onto footpaths at blind corners (e.g. the bluebell trail in Paradise Bottom) are a no-no.

For anyone else having internet problems, I will be sitcking these in the next newsletter (which should be up in various Bristol bike shops by the end of the month)and they should also be put on signs at entrances to the wood pretty soon.

Re: Re: Re: Leigh Woods - Land manager policy on riding

Thanks Anthony