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Re: Re: Re: Re: trailAddiction reunion - Bristol - 12/13th November

Yeah I need to know where were going too?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: trailAddiction reunion - Bristol - 12/13th November

OK here's the latest plan:

Leave for Minehead from Dieter's house 9:30 on saturday for a bit of a beast loop (apparently!) near exmoor. So far its just me, Dieter and his mate Charles, wired for a fairly long hard ride.

Beers saturday night

go up to cwm carn on sunday and do the xc loop and then see what happens from there - apparently there's a DH course too? Bravery will depend on tiredness and level of hangover from the night before!

Give me a call if you want to catch up 07920003117

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: trailAddiction reunion - Bristol - 12/13th November

What time are you going to be at Cwm Carn boys? Cheers Simon.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: trailAddiction reunion - Bristol - 12/13th November

Plan (as of midnight last night) was to leave Bristol 10:30 to be at car park around 11:30.