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Re: Re: Re: Starting up again

hi Steve, Damon or Steve poulsom lead the beginners ride usually as they are relatively new to the game as well and dont like getting too muddy or out of breath !!

you will normally catch them on the avon pill cycle path , wearing their matching hi-visability jackets.

Damon has an Apollo super-burner and Steve P rides an old posties bike with lx cranks..

ps welcome to the club

Re: Re: Re: Re: Starting up again

oh chris your such a funny guy .

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Starting up again

For 'funny guy', read 'wanker'

I'd like to tell you how to recognise Chris by the bike that he rides but it's impossible to keep up to date with what he owns

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Starting up again

its my only way of getting any attention these days !!!