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Re: Quntocks Ride Sunday?

I'm quite interested in coming, however as I am new to this, where do you guys meet?

Re: Re: Quntocks Ride Sunday?

Hi Mick/Sally,

Yes I'm still up for the Quantocks on Sunday (and the 9.30 start). I checked the weather and it looks like it could be pretty windy on Sunday, but as long as we ride the ridge the right way round we should be Ok.

Sally, we usually meet in a layby just before Holford on the A39 (this is roughly 10-15 minutes drive on from Bridgwater. There might be a few people going from Bristol in that case you could meet them at the cottage and follow them down.

Stephen W.

Re: Quntocks Ride Sunday?

Will tag a long if I may. The alternators being fixed on my car so I am planning to meet at the cottage for a lift if anyone can help?



Re: Re: Quntocks Ride Sunday?

Hi I should hopefully be at the cottage for 9


Re: Re: Re: Quntocks Ride Sunday?

Would love to grab a lift if poss James?

Re: Quntocks Ride Sunday?

Wont be making it lads, after my stack on sunday past while up at the Forest. Went to hosiptal on monday morning. Turns out i had put my shoulder out of joint.

Hwe, that person u phoned or left a message with earlier that was me.

Quantocks Ride Sunday?

I am still up for a Quantocks ride on Sunday and even for the early start. It's going to be difficult to get out of bed as usual but it worhts it :)

Meeting at the layby at 9.30?

Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

Some of the guys I'd planned to go with need to get home for about 13:00 so we are thinking of starting riding at about 8:30, which would mean leaving Bristol just after 7:00!!

Re: Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

Hi Mick,

The 8.30 start could be a bit early for me.


Re: Re: Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

8.30 are you crazy

Hwe I'll be at the cottage for 9 and holford about 10.30


Re: Re: Re: Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

8.30 ... a bit early for me ... I might go with the second wave then for a 10.30 start from the layby.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

I'll be there for the second wave as well. See you all at 10.30.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

No worries. Off to Afan instead & leaving at 6:30
The joys of having kids & compromising!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

Have a good ride Mick, maybe see you next week???


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

Will be off to the Mendips instead as I am not going to have enough time to get to the Cottage tomorrow morning for 9am. Thanks for teh offe rof the lift James I will see you next time.