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Re: Re: Quntocks Ride Sunday?

Hi I should hopefully be at the cottage for 9


Re: Re: Re: Quntocks Ride Sunday?

Would love to grab a lift if poss James?

Re: Quntocks Ride Sunday?

Wont be making it lads, after my stack on sunday past while up at the Forest. Went to hosiptal on monday morning. Turns out i had put my shoulder out of joint.

Hwe, that person u phoned or left a message with earlier that was me.

Quantocks Ride Sunday?

I am still up for a Quantocks ride on Sunday and even for the early start. It's going to be difficult to get out of bed as usual but it worhts it :)

Meeting at the layby at 9.30?

Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

Some of the guys I'd planned to go with need to get home for about 13:00 so we are thinking of starting riding at about 8:30, which would mean leaving Bristol just after 7:00!!

Re: Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

Hi Mick,

The 8.30 start could be a bit early for me.


Re: Re: Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

8.30 are you crazy

Hwe I'll be at the cottage for 9 and holford about 10.30


Re: Re: Re: Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

8.30 ... a bit early for me ... I might go with the second wave then for a 10.30 start from the layby.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

I'll be there for the second wave as well. See you all at 10.30.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

No worries. Off to Afan instead & leaving at 6:30
The joys of having kids & compromising!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

Have a good ride Mick, maybe see you next week???


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Quantocks Ride Sunday?

Will be off to the Mendips instead as I am not going to have enough time to get to the Cottage tomorrow morning for 9am. Thanks for teh offe rof the lift James I will see you next time.