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BMBC Donations - Can you help ?

Hi all BMBC members, Anyone wishing to make donations to the club to assist in running of the site and other things such as trips away etc.

We will we probably be setting up a Paypay account shortly depending on response.

Would any of you like to donate? to see if it is worth our effort to set up an account or would you prefer to send cheques?. Any donator will be mentioned in a special acknowledgment section.


Thanks to Pembury Cycles and Garland Cycles

Big Shouts fly out to:

Pembury Cycles for Sponsoring the forum for another year :-)

Garland Cycles for Sponsoring the Gallery and Mailing List for 2006.



Re: BMBC Donations - Can you help ?

I run a web hosting and development company, I've offered a couple of times before, and it still stands, I'd be happy to host BMBC's website, forum, galleries etc on my web server free of charge. And offer Mike some help as and when needed with techy bits if required.

mike lmk if your interested and we could meet up at the thursday beers to discuss.

cheers, chris

Re: Re: BMBC Donations - Can you help ?

Once again Chris thanks for the offer. We might take you up on the offer of hosting the forum towards the end of the year.

From a technical point view I think we are fine. However, what could you offer in this area? The main areas of the site are the Forum and Gallery.

Whats your company website address?

Once again,

