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Re: Les Arcs "to FLY or DRIVE"

I vote to drive, its cheaper


Re: Les Arcs "to FLY or DRIVE"

Not bothered either way tbh.

But count me in. I guess i will have a car so can drive if needed. I will have an estate btw.

Re: Les Arcs "to FLY or DRIVE"

having read the email again.

Prefere to drive

Re: Les Arcs "to FLY or DRIVE"

Count me in!

The change with Easyjet is a bummer; was the same rule in place last year?? Are we convinced they mean the rule to be applied in practice? If Easyjet from Bristol is not an option then I vote drive too.

I have driven down there twice before on my own and it is a real slog; in danger of DVTs sat around that long! Will be much better if the driving is shared. Happy to take my car.

Cheers Simon S.

Re: Re: Les Arcs "to FLY or DRIVE"

I think the drive option sounds favorite.

Re: Les Arcs "to FLY or DRIVE"

I vote drive. I have an estate that will take 4 people and 4 bikes easily.
I looked into costs, approx £200 in fuel and £150 for the tunnel split compared to c.£150 for a flight + £30 bike charge + £30 transfers each (assuming that we can find a flight that takes bikes).
RAC route planner says 800 miles in 15 hours driving (at a slow 60 M-ways & 30 other roads) + 2 hours for tunnel crossing = 17 hours. Compared to flying 2hrs packing bike, 2hrs to Heathrow, 1 hr wait, 1.5hrs flight, 1 hr to leave airport, 3 hrs transfer, 2 hrs assemble bike = 12.5hrs. Not that much difference.

Re: Les Arcs "to FLY or DRIVE"

You could consider chartering a coach.

Just a thought.

Re: Re: Les Arcs "to FLY or DRIVE"


Count me in for the trip. Let me know when you need the deposit paying up. I will be away from the computer next week, going boarding in Italy.

FAO Damon

I think you'll have tyo count me out this year. Not got the cash (due to new bike purchase).

Re: wot bike ya got now stevo ??


Re: Les Arcs "to FLY or DRIVE"

I would tend towards the driving option too - a few hours ago I was driving through the alps after a fantastic week's boarding . Might be worth considering the potential additional insurance costs if your policy (like mine) does not cover driving abroad plus the possible hassle if the car should break down.

Re: Les Arcs "to FLY or DRIVE"

If people need Breakdown cover i can sort some Europeon cover out and will discount it down for people.

No guareentees it will be cheaper than RAC/AA but normally we are.