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Re: Re: Re: Giler - Your image is complete :-)

That's really wierd! Who's head have you grafted on there Mike?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Giler - Your image is complete :-)

It's a terrible hybrid version ;-)

Most of your head is original, redrawn glasses, another rider’s helmet and slightly different sky. But apart from that the picture is untouched.

Helmet used from this pic:

I'll try and sort some more movies out soon.


Next Wentwood ride :-)

Another Wentwood ride would be good :-). We were lucky with the frost making the ground hard in places. I've seen Wentwood turn from super dry to raging torrent overnight.

I don’t mind leading another ride, even though I can be a bit of a slug on the climbs sometimes ;-)

The best times for Wentwood IMO are Saturday or first thing Sunday after a period of dry, and weekdays of course.

When would people like to do it again? either another social ride or explorer type ride.



PS: The ride on Sunday was around the 11.5 mile mark, Wentwood can be a killer with many subtle up’s and downs.

Distance: 11.5
Ascent: 684m (2244 feet)
Max Height = 311m
Min Height = 129m

PPS Steve, I will send you the TRL file for Tracklogs.