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Re: Re: Re: Easy Jet !!!

We have booked flights with BA from Heathrow at about the same time. Providing none of the outbound flights dont get delayed i can not see it being a problem. A positive point would be, it would spread the bikes between two airlines, may be less chance of excess baggage cost. If you are not going to use the van/bike plan.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Easy Jet !!!

Note that Easyjet is Gatwick and not Heathrow....

Re: Re: Re: Re: Easy Jet !!!

Re. Van

I understand that BA have a fairly restrictive policy on luggage allowance with the result that most of us will be approximately 10kg over, this will result in a £50 charge each, each way.

Damon and I are happy to drive a van over with all the bikes on board. The costs are £500 hire, c.£400 fuel, c.£150 tunnel + tolls = approx.£1100. If all 15 of us take this up we are looking at c.£73 each, less than the £100 XS baggage and less chance of bike damage etc.

This is only a realistic option if all of us use the van, so let me and Damon know ASAP if you are interested.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Easy Jet !!!

Yes I am interested, especially seeing as my bike and box will take me about 20kg over