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Ciao Dan!!

Dan! Whats your email as me old computer has bust so lost your address?? Hope all is good, see you haven`t lost your wit!!

Re: Ciao Dan!!

Sam - howzit?! All good here, summer is hot, too hot to ride but perfect for surfing!!

Going to Canberra to ride purpose built trails, will show how to mash up de pedals man!

Keep it reel


Re: Damons FSR

Yeah 120 Stumpy Fsr with Brain thingy on back. Really good over the rough stuff and in singletrack. How u keeping otherwise??

Re: Re: Damons FSR

Keeping well, OZ summers are nice but too hot to ride, so it's early starts and then down to the beach for a surf to cool off!!! Nice!! Going on a road trip to forests of Canberra, supposed to have the most flowy singletrack in OZ. But i bet it doesn't compare to GT or K'tree! Miss the man made trails, nothing like that here, it's rocky and very tech, the sort of terrain that will really mess you up if you come off. Fell off on Sun rding with a hangover and the knee still hurts. Do a lot of road riding on my commute, 18km each way, around Sydney harbour and over the bridge to get to work. It's certainly better than the commute along Stokes Croft!!

happy trails on the spesh

Re: Damons FSR

I am an Aussie riding with this lot in Bristol. If you are ever in Brisbane or Gold coast area and want to ride, contact Steve (login name Mad Aussie) on and tell him Krooges said to contact him. I used to ride with these guy's and I know they will be happy to show you around.

In Canberra check out Sparrows hill for a 22km xc singletrack loop through a forestry which is quite nice. Majura pines forest is a bit closer to Canberra and has a good mix of DH and XC - enough to keep you occupied for a day. If you haven't found it already, is the website to look at for this area.

Have a great time mate. Day break is the only time to ride this time of year.

Re: Re: Damons FSR

Hey Jason

Off to Sparrow Hill and Majura next weekend, first riding trip to Canberra, have heard the trails are sweeeeeet .......... not sure if they will be as good as the welsh and scottish theme parks though!!

Take it easy

Re: Re: Re: Damons FSR

Get him, lads!! He's havin a go at Stokes Croft, grrrr!