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Re: Trail in Ashton Court

Where is that? I have riden the (rather dull) fire trails i.e. blue and red and purple, but not seen anything else.

Where is the ladders!! I am not gonna ride if either wet or slightly greasy as asking for trouble and an ambulance!! GOt too many "red badges of honour" and don't bounce like i did when i was 15!!!

Re: Re: Trail in Ashton Court


If you have only been riding the fire roads in Leigh Woods and Ashton Court, lets just say you are missing out on some good singletrack, the ladder section is absolutely nothing to write home about as it's the remnants of a once impressive bridge that was taken down by the Forestry Commission.

A good starting place to hook up with the less legit singletrack is to go through the Leigh Woods North Road entrance, follow the fire road to the gap in the wall on your left, than take an immediate right onto (normally muddy) singletrack, then follow your nose from there.

Or for a legit route you could take the Timberland Trail that starts at the Ashton Court entrance archway just over from the suspension bridge, the trail strats just after the archway on your left hand side and is signed.