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Re: Re: Cwmcarn Thursday night?

We'll be at the Cwmcarn vistor cente at 7:15pm

Re: Re: Re: Cwmcarn Thursday night?

I'm 16 and i can't drive so would it be possible if i could get a lift to cwncarn. I'll pay petrol money, so if you have a free space in the car and for one bike could i join you
Thanx Nyle

Re: Re: Re: Re: Cwmcarn Thursday night?

I should have space for 1 plus bike. Setting off about 6.15.

Should be an interesting one weather wise!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cwmcarn Thursday night?

Thanks, where shall i meet you? And do you have any idea how much petrol will cost there and back?
Thanks again Nyle

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cwmcarn Thursday night?

hi nyle,

just sent you email with contact details and adress.
