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Re: sub standard service

Oooh name and shame, do i know it personally?? How about packaging them up and sending them of yourself to Mojo you lazy pikey Or give them to me i will take care of the forks for you on Ebay and give you some rigids in return

Re: Re: sub standard service

wasnt in bristol at the time so had to rely on the misus to drop them off to the shop for them to do it or i would have taken them myself to mojo and not had to deal with this sh#t. have other stuf sent to mojo and had it back and repaired in les time than the shop has taken to send my forks to mojo. feel like kicking some one in the nuts!!!

Re: sub standard service

I had problems with my Manipoo forks, took 2 weeks to get them back from Mojo (think its Mojo that does manitou). Shop in question was Dave Baters on park street.

Re: Re: sub standard service

well fat boy, if you take your forks to a curtain shop what do you expect, now stop yer grumbling

Re: Re: Re: sub standard service

In a Shaggy stylee...... "It wasn't me!"

Re: Re: Re: Re: sub standard service

no giley wish ide come to your shop in the first place mate would have forks by now lol