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Re: Re: Couple pix from Chepstow Park Wood on Monday.

Hi Alan..

The picture you have linked to is towards the top of CPW. i found it on Monday.

Mayby I could organised a club ride there one weekend.

The rally that took place on the weekend trashed the fireroads, yep the fireroads.

May go there tomorrow again.


Re: Re: Re: Couple pix from Chepstow Park Wood on Monday.

Looks good, Mike! Is it very big? Is there much good singletrack? More to the point - are there any newts in the pond??

Re: Re: Re: Re: Couple pix from Chepstow Park Wood on Monday.

Quite a bit of Singletrack in CPW, there is also Fedw and others woods around. Needs further investigating :-)

Also, I did not see any newts in the pond.... or did I ?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Couple pix from Chepstow Park Wood on Monday.

That's not a newt!! That's a Welsh dragon - lucky to escape with your life , Mike! LOL!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Couple pix from Chepstow Park Wood on Monday.

CPW is about 2/3 the size of Wentwood. Tonnes of track when you link the many woods together. Probably worth trying when it gets a bit dryer.

A good ride would be meet at Aust, cross the bridge do CPW then up towards Tintern then back.

It would a be an epic. Around 35-40 miles.