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Re: New to the area

All are welcome on all the rides. There should be somebody at Ashton Court every Sunday at 10:30 - check out the website for details of where to meet. Otherwise, there are Sunday away rides which are generally a bit harder/longer than the local rides, but we rarely loose anybody!

We have a regular monthly meeting on the last Thursday of the month (three days time) - a good excuse for beer, chat and planning rides. Unless there is a sudden change of venue, it'll be at the Colosseum Pub on Redcliff Hill at about 8:30 / 9:00 pm and maybe on from there. Keep an eye on the forum on this one as we may be changing venue soon.


Re: Re: New to the area

... and as if on queue, the venue for the meeting has been Changed to the Bishop's Tavern 20:30 tomorrow!