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ROAM by the Collective Premiere

Hi Bristol people. I am currently in the process of organising a premiere of Roam, the new film from the Collective, which i was working on last summer over in sunny whistler. The screening will be at the Brewhouse Theatre in Taunton on Monday April 17th (Easter Monday) at 2 o'clock. We will be showing the Collective first then Roam after a short interval. Tickets will cost £5 each and will be on sale soon. If anyone wants more info or can offer a wall in a bike shop for a poster then send me an email . thanks for letting me use your forum and i hope to see loads of you there.

jonny intern

p.s. i'd be interested to come out for a ride with you guys in bristol or next time your in the quantocks if thats cool

Re: ROAM by the Collective Premiere

tickets now on sale at the brewhouse box office -
(01823) 283244
and at Ralph Colman Cycles in Station Road Taunton, if your in the area!

Re: ROAM by the Collective Premiere

hello again, hope you guys can make it down, deffinately going to be a quantock based ride after the film. watched it this morning, its good, very very good.

hope to see you all there

jonny intern