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Deeman; Working for Bike again??

Did i read that right? You're doing some work for Bike again?

Re: Deeman; Working for Bike again??

Yes, amazing that. Also going to be riding my Speshi and whipping everyone on their Marins ha ha ha

Re: Re: Deeman; Working for Bike again??

Your taking your "Yellow Peril" in that crap and gloop?

What about your bushings? bits of grit on your shock etc. My god thh worry ;-)

They must be paying you a handsome reward :-)

Re: Sunday 26th Wentwood = Muddy

Wentwood is quite likely to be very muddy at the moment. However, if we get a freezing spell, or heavy snow it could be quite fun.

I went to Fedw today (snowy) very similar to Wentwood and it was quite muddy. But then again I'm allergic to mud. I took the camera, prepared to take a stunning snow scene, but left the memory card in the PC at home.. doh!

I would be happy to lead a ride to Wentwood in the future say next month or April when it may have dried out a bit.

I personally, on Sunday will probably be doing a (MTB Roadie) ride across the bridge and take in some trail if it looks dry'ish but mostly road. Welcome to join in, post here if interested and say meet at Aust.

PS I wore a yellow vest today, hangs head in shame ;-(. I'll be taking the peak of my helmet next

Re: Re: Sunday 26th Wentwood = Muddy

cwm carn sounds ok but am open to other ideas so long as it dont involve loads o mud or the wall at afan for that matter or open to the elements

Re: Re: Re: Sunday 26th Wentwood = Muddy

what about living room and the telly mart

Re: Re: Sunday 26th Wentwood = about the FoD instead

Hi Mike,

If its going to be a bog, maybe you're right a nice dry day in spring (ahh...remember those) would be a better time to visit Wentwood again.

How about a trip to the Forest of Doom instead. You might get a little muddy, but its all rideable even when its peeing down.


Re: Sunday 26th

I'd be up for Cwm Carn. Never been there.

Re: Re: Sunday 26th- someone decide !

So is there a ride somewhere ? Need a decision to give me time to try and negotiate a pass from the mrs.
I could go for FoD. Not sure about Cwm Carn - circuit slightly too short for a proper ride but I can never be arsed to go round twice.

Re: Re: Re: Sunday 26th- someone decide !

I still planning to do 2 laps of cwmcarn I'll be at the cottage at 9 and cwm carn about 10.15 ish.

Re: Re: Re: Sunday 26th- I'm off to the FoD!

Hi Chris,

Like you the second lap at Cwmcarn never appeals. I always get a sense of Deja vu.

So I'm off to the Forest of dean tomorrow. If you or anyone else fancy going I'll be in the bike centre car park at 10-10.30 (I drive a dirty green seat leon). If you need to give ma a ring my mobile is 07747025105.

Stephen W.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday 26th- I'm off to the FoD!

see you at the FOD tomorrow.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday 26th- I'm off to the FoD!

Is anyone singlespeeding at the FOD?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday 26th- I'm off to the FoD!


I'm going to join you at FOD if that is ok. I will get there for 10am. I don't really know my way around and will be on my lonesom so don't go without me! I will be in a blue mondeo with bike racks on the roof and riding a silver handjob. If for any reason I am not going to make it i will call you on your mobile.



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday 26th- I'm off to the FoD!


No problem. See you there tomorrow.


Re: Sunday 26th

I'm with you James. See you at the cottage. Any changes 07770 five737five5 cheers!

Re: Re: Sunday 26th

still haven had the chance to test bike will come out to play anyhoo at cwm carn (one lap only) lol providing i dont hit something befor completing said lap and for your infomation phill i could bike in living room have turbo trainer also giant down hill racing on play station both are mud free and fallin off dosnt hurt lmao

Re: Re: Re: Sunday 26th

good on ya mart . hows pip doing by the way ?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday 26th

doin ok lots of mood swings cant remeber sod all un stuff, ? hang on pretty much your normal woman realy appart from having to put up with all her grief cos shes not aloud to ride her bike or me for that matter grrrrrr not fair lol! no shes not too bad just board and fedup with it all i shall pas on your regards mate cya soon