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Re: Insurance

you should try direct line online and marks & spencers online also suprisingly enough both give good cover apparently looking to change from lloyds myself soon on account of the same reasons that and they are quite poo anyway lol

Re: Re: Insurance

Marks & Spencer home insurance is good because the maximum single value of an item is £4,000 (I think)which should cover most bikes. I found the premiun was rather high though (ie double what In was paying) so unless you have lots of expensive possessions it probably is not worth it.

Re: Re: Re: Insurance

Try More Than. They insure any bike up to max of £2500 I think.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Insurance

seems ok but wouldnt replace my down hill bike wich would cost half that again and then i must also take in to account that my partner and i have nine bikes between us?

Re: Insurance

Go for specialist bike insurance. Evans Cycles/Endsleigh etc.

For home insurance come to me at Swinton, mention your from BMBC and i will give you 10% off and we are really cheap as well.

phone number is 01179660454 ask for Andy.

Re: Re: Insurance

Thanks lots. did look into the Marks and Sparks - which was very expensive. Will Check out other suggestions too. Muchas Gracias

Re: Re: Re: Insurance

If it's just bike cover try Butterworth Insurance

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