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Re: Re: Re: sunday ride 5th

Whites Level and July sound good

Re: Re: Re: Re: sunday ride 5th

arent they realy long rides lol? but may be up for it anyway!!!


Whites level would take about 1.5-2.0 hrs. July trail would prob be 2.5-3 hrs.

If we did July trail first, you could then decide if you want to do Whites after, as that way you would still get a good ride in of about 3hrs.

Re: Afan

I'd be up for Afan. Not done Whites yet and haven't herd of July so sounds good to me. Do you meet at the Glyncorrwg bike centre or elsewhere? I'll keep checking here for a time and a place.


Re: Re: Afan

Sounds like a plan meet at the cottage @9 or Glyncorrwg about 10:30

Re: Re: Re: Afan

I should be on for it also as not been to Afan for a while!!

Lift Needed

I would like a lift please. Would anyone be able to pick me up? If not, I can ride to the Cottage for 9....

Re: Lift Needed

I'll pick you up how heavy are you

Re: Re: Lift Needed

Cheers Jamesy. What time?

I'm quite light but my bike is f*ckin heavy

Re: Re: Re: Lift Needed

Yes it is! A ... heavy bright yellow bike.
I think I'll consider joining you if we do July first (having done White followed by July last Saturday I think it's "easier" to start with July).
Hope the wether will be with us !

Re: sunday ride 5th

Will be there at the Cottage @ 9am.

I assume we meet at the first cafe area for Afan. Hopefully i will be there fit and healthy as i am not going out sat night which means no hangover


Re: Re: sunday ride 5th

meet at the cottage@9 or the second cafe at the new center about 10:30

Re: sunday ride 5th

Could i get a lift off someone by any chance? I know a bit cheeky but my car is up the creek!!

Re: sunday ride 5th


Is it ok if i tag along? The weather is looking spot on for afan this sun. I've got space for 1 if anybody needs it.

Re: sunday ride 5th

Got space for 1 at least, possibly 2.