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Local ride this Sunday?

Anyone planning on a local ride this Sunday? Not sure what condition the trails are in, but it hasn't rained for a while. I still don't know my way around the woods so hopefully somebody with a bit of local knowledge will be there on Sunday (please!).

Re: Local ride this Sunday?

10:30AM on Sunday if you are up for it. Was going to e-mail out later today for a nice and easy social ride on Sunday - so hopefully this is a good starter.

Re: Re: Local ride this Sunday?

doing road ride on saturday , if still alive on sunday i`ll be there

Re: Re: Re: Local ride this Sunday?

Hi Liz, I will be there and will hopefully drag along another couple of fanatics. I warn you though that one of them is very good and will be reading these messages. So, plenty of red bull before we start so we can give him a run for his money! I'll also try letting his tyres down...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Local ride this Sunday?


You doing the local ride on Sunday ?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Local ride this Sunday?

may do local ride as everone els seems to be thinking of riding long distance at afan will decide tomorrow

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Local ride this Sunday?

should be there hand still not upto along ride!