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Re: Re: Lift Needed

Cheers Jamesy. What time?

I'm quite light but my bike is f*ckin heavy

Re: Re: Re: Lift Needed

Yes it is! A ... heavy bright yellow bike.
I think I'll consider joining you if we do July first (having done White followed by July last Saturday I think it's "easier" to start with July).
Hope the wether will be with us !

Re: sunday ride 5th

Will be there at the Cottage @ 9am.

I assume we meet at the first cafe area for Afan. Hopefully i will be there fit and healthy as i am not going out sat night which means no hangover


Re: Re: sunday ride 5th

meet at the cottage@9 or the second cafe at the new center about 10:30

Re: sunday ride 5th

Could i get a lift off someone by any chance? I know a bit cheeky but my car is up the creek!!

Re: sunday ride 5th


Is it ok if i tag along? The weather is looking spot on for afan this sun. I've got space for 1 if anybody needs it.

Re: sunday ride 5th

Got space for 1 at least, possibly 2.