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Re: Re: moving to area-need dh trails.....HELP PLEASE

are you referring to Rochester in the UK or in New England, USA

This forum is an affilliate of Bristol Mountain Bike Club in the UK.

Re: Re: Re: moving to area-need dh trails.....HELP PLEASE

I did wonder where Swain is

Last time I help anyone....

Re: Re: Re: Re: moving to area-need dh trails.....HELP PLEASE

Really sry Steve, I am idiot. Ride on and thanks for trying.

Re: Re: Re: moving to area-need dh trails.....HELP PLEASE

oops, thought this was US, oh well. Thanks anyway.

Re: Re: moving to area-need dh trails.....HELP PLEASE

Thanks for the reply and help. Believe me, I don't want to leave CO, but my family is in Rochester and parents are not getting any younger. I haven't heard of any of those places, but I will be there in July if you want to ride. I can give you my e-mail or phone #.

Re: Re: Re: moving to area-need dh trails.....HELP PLEASE

oops, wrong country.