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Re: Re: Re: moving to area-need dh trails.....HELP PLEASE

I did wonder where Swain is

Last time I help anyone....

Re: Re: Re: Re: moving to area-need dh trails.....HELP PLEASE

Really sry Steve, I am idiot. Ride on and thanks for trying.

Re: Re: Re: moving to area-need dh trails.....HELP PLEASE

oops, thought this was US, oh well. Thanks anyway.

Re: Re: moving to area-need dh trails.....HELP PLEASE

Thanks for the reply and help. Believe me, I don't want to leave CO, but my family is in Rochester and parents are not getting any younger. I haven't heard of any of those places, but I will be there in July if you want to ride. I can give you my e-mail or phone #.

Re: Re: Re: moving to area-need dh trails.....HELP PLEASE

oops, wrong country.