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Re: can I join in the fun? Yes

Hi Fi,

If you haven't already done so, you need to sign up and join the Club (check the home page) Then its just a matter of pitching up on one of the rides.

There's usually a "local" Ashton court ride on Sunday (which start at 10.30, I think), otherwise keep your eye on the forum for an "away" ride - Quantocks, Mendips, Forest of Dean, Afan, Cwmcarn etc.

Seeing that no one else has come up with a better suggestion I'll heading to the Quantocks on Sunday, 10-10.30 start if you're interested. We meet in a layby on the right hand side of the A39 just before Holford (about 15 minutes on from Bridgwater). Alternatively if you're coming from Bristol people sometimes meet at the Cottage (see "maps" for location) at 9 and drive from there.

Maybe see you Sunday.

Stephen W.

Re: Re: can I join in the fun? Yes

Hope you had a good ride today - I was racing yesterday in the New Forest and am as stiff as a board. Racing 2 weekends in a go is not a good idea - I thought I was invincible.

Anyway, I will definitely be there as soon as I can make it. Prob next weekend. I'll check to see where it is. Have fun in Holford - my home territory!
