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Re: Re: Re: abit ot : anyone got any old cassettes


Re: abit ot : anyone got any old cassettes

This is serious:

What about the cassette in "Giler Basement Thread"

If the pile of stuff is there next time I ride past, I could get the cassette for you :-)

PS I confess, they are my pix, Damon made me do it ;-)

Re: Re: abit ot : anyone got any old cassettes

remember to take your tools mike

Re: Re: Re: abit ot : anyone got any old cassettes

I'll just take snips and cut the spokes. Do you want that cassette if it's still there ?


Re: Re: Re: Re: abit ot : anyone got any old cassettes

yes please

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: abit ot : anyone got any old cassettes

Your out of luck.

"Gilers Basement" is empty because the council has cleared it. :-(

I'll keep a look for further dumped wheels with cassettes on them for you.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: abit ot : anyone got any old cassettes

cheers man