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Re: Re: Wednesday

North Rd entrance of Leigh woods at 6.30?

Re: Re: Re: Wednesday

If I can get my gears working well enough and get out in time, I'll be up there for 6:30.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Wednesday

Sorry if I missed you. Left dead on 6.30 as I figured I better get as much ridig in daylight as possible because I am scared of the dark. Anyone fancy next week?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Wednesday

Yeah no worries, I was running a bit late cos I still couldn't get my gears working (really are beyond me!). And I don't blame you for wanting to make the most of the light, it's never good looking behind you and realising it's pitch black and you can't see what might be creeping up behind you! 8^|

Re: Wednesday

Fine. won't it be dark? I don't have very good lights. Only a head torch.

Re: Wednesday

I'll have to wait until it gets a bit lighter in the evenings I think - don't have lights good enough. When I'm around at the weekends I'll come though. On a booze cruise this weekend...