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Maybe a Stolen Bike spotted?

Call be paranoid but yesteraday and today (29th & 30th March) I've spotted a Kona Stinky along Southmead Road on my way to work. This has prompted me to post on this website for the following reasons:

1. It's a Kona Stinky being ridden on the pavement. No DH in sight.

2. It's being ridden by a girl aged 17 (guess) which looks like she is on her way to college/school/work etc.

3. No-one I know would ever choose to commute on a Stinky. If they can afford a Stinky, they can afford/would choose a commuting hack.

4. Today I saw it rested up against the newsagents, no lock, whilst the girl was inside. I would not leave my bike outside a Southmead shop unlocked whilst I was inside!

I maybe slightly prejudiced, but I hear of so many bikes being stolen and most are sold on for way less than they're worth (never mind the sentimental value!).

Bike description:
All silver Kona Stinky with red "Kona" and red "Stinky" decals. Probably an 03/04, as they ain't brought out an all silver one for a while. If anyone is very suspicious, I can try and get a better look.

Just in case anyone thinks I've been following people, there is usually a solid queue of traffic along Southmead Rd at the time I go to work (I usually cycle), so I have plenty of time to have a look at the bike!

Down to bike thieving scum.

Re: Maybe a Stolen Bike spotted?


Police Non-Emergency Number
08454 567000

or Ring Crimestoppers
CS Crime Stoppers 0800 551 111

Be sure of your facts though. On first sight it does seem odd.

Re: Re: Maybe a Stolen Bike spotted?

I have seen a kid riding around on a posh whyte bike in Southmead. Looked like a lot of moneys worth. I reckon if your bike gets nicked have a look up Doncaster road and the surrounding bits there is a good chance a chav will be riding it