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Re: Rides Schedule

Club meetings are always the last Thursday of the month (venue always announced on here and/or emailed out) .Other events like Coed-Y-Brenin Alps etc willl alwys happen each year just keep an eye out for dates etc. We did use to put up dates for forthcoming events but it turned into a non-starter because of other people's commitments ie: it was better to arrange things at Club Meetings with most people present and say get 20 people to commit rather than me waiting in a car park for others to appear on a planned ride and possibly only end up with 3 people.

Generally however it goes something like this:
early April: some guys go off to Spain
April/ May: Coed-y-Brenin
May/ June: Scotland
July/ August: Alps
Spetember: Coed-Y-Brenin again

And of course Midweek Summer rides at Ashton Court (Tuesdays and Thursdays check forum first) and Sunday away rides.