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Re: Coedy - What trails will we do?

It is a good one. Bit like Cwm Carn I thought. Could do it Friday? Cheers Simon S.

Re: Re: Coedy - What trails will we do?

Rob & I wont be coming down until Fri night...

Re: Re: Re: Coedy - What trails will we do?

Steveo i think Marin trail on Saturday nice easy pootle around and then that other trail on the same day is a bloomin good idea. Count me in for that.
Sunday then means we can do that Machynlleth trail (climach or something)

Re: Re: Re: Re: Coedy - What trails will we do?


Defo up for Mach trail Sunday too, as not done that one.

Monday - Maybe something at Coedy

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Coedy - What trails will we do?

The CliMachX is a definate for me. I'd like to try that new trial up near Betws, so the double header sounds good. Anybody want to do the Red Bull night ride again. It was cracking back in September - only took an hour to go round.

Steve, Rob, Jason, are you taking your big bikes for the Snowdon descent? I've got a shiny new patriot that needs trying!

Re: Coedy - What trails will we do?

I'm coming up Friday - leave Bristol at lunchtime maybe, or the arvo sometime hopefully in time to put in a quick ride on Friday evening. Going home on Sunday evening. Have room for 1 or maybe even 2 others.

I'll bring the Kona if we can fit in a "big" bike trail or 2.