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My Final Major Project

My name is Rob Hunt and am currently in the process of putting together an exciting and informative video for my final major project at college. The video is aimed at beginners to the sport of mountain biking but also competent riders, who will be able to gain tips and advice from watching my video. I am writing to enquire as to whether you would be interested in helping me with my project and appear in my video.

All that would be required is for a member of staff to talk to camera about various aspects of biking, such as safety when riding, buying the right bike, and general riding tips and advice.

This sequence will then appear in my video, in between other sequences in the video.

If you are interested in assisting me it would be greatly appreciated, and wouldn’t take much of your time.

Thank You for taking the time to read my email and hope to hear from you soon.


Re: My Final Major Project

This posted is endorsed by the BMBC :-)

Hey, Damon this is your chance for stardom :-) You could be the next Robert De Nero in waiting ;-)

Re: Re: My Final Major Project

Badger Badger Badger possibly!! though