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Re: Re: Re: Wentwood - Well This Got Messed Up,

Great ride today, thanks Mike for leading us all astray.

Plenty of incidents, comedy falls, abandoning the bike at speed, snapped chain, broken gear hanger, lost riders, you name it, I think we managed to squeeze it in.

Wet start in the Cottage car park quickly turned to a glourious day when we started riding.

Plenty of weekend left yet!

Great ride in Wentwood yesterday - thanks Mike!

Murmurings about Afan for Monday.

Anything happening Sunday - Andy, have you sorted anything?

Re: Plenty of weekend left yet!

How about Cwm Carn for Sunday and Afan for monday?

Re: Plenty of weekend left yet!

No probs Jason :-) glad you enjoyed it.

Wentwood is a good ride, bit of everything and not to far away. Took me quite a while to find these routes and string a loop together.

I'm doing some route development at Chepstow as well, anyway fancy some trail delvelopment/building/pioneering day ?

We need to get the Bristol Trails Group over there ;-)

I was a bit blonde on the Dragon, nothing seemed to go right there. However, I managed to ride Gray Hill without falling off :-)

Loads of pix :-) I will sort them later.


Re: Easter Weekend

Bike is in pieces on the floor of the garage at the mo.

+ dont have alot of money at the moment so have kinda put it out of the question.

Monday i have family over so, thats a deffo no no

Re: Easter Weekend

Right out tomorrow, bike is fixed courtesy of the guys at Garlands (nice plug).

Ashton court sounds good or anywhere else, not to bothered.

Re: Re: Easter Weekend

Hi Andy,
Off to the Quantocks if you fancy it? Meeting at Layby before Hlford @ 10.30.

Re: Easter Weekend

gonna keep it real this weekend with Ashton Court and Leigh woods due to severe lack of funds.