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Re: Plenty of weekend left yet!

How about Cwm Carn for Sunday and Afan for monday?

Re: Plenty of weekend left yet!

No probs Jason :-) glad you enjoyed it.

Wentwood is a good ride, bit of everything and not to far away. Took me quite a while to find these routes and string a loop together.

I'm doing some route development at Chepstow as well, anyway fancy some trail delvelopment/building/pioneering day ?

We need to get the Bristol Trails Group over there ;-)

I was a bit blonde on the Dragon, nothing seemed to go right there. However, I managed to ride Gray Hill without falling off :-)

Loads of pix :-) I will sort them later.


Re: Easter Weekend

Bike is in pieces on the floor of the garage at the mo.

+ dont have alot of money at the moment so have kinda put it out of the question.

Monday i have family over so, thats a deffo no no

Re: Easter Weekend

Right out tomorrow, bike is fixed courtesy of the guys at Garlands (nice plug).

Ashton court sounds good or anywhere else, not to bothered.

Re: Re: Easter Weekend

Hi Andy,
Off to the Quantocks if you fancy it? Meeting at Layby before Hlford @ 10.30.

Re: Easter Weekend

gonna keep it real this weekend with Ashton Court and Leigh woods due to severe lack of funds.