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Re: Re: Sunday 7th May

Just turn up and ride. Some of the climbs are pretty tough but the descents are definitely worth it and you get some great views thrown in for free.

Re: Sunday 7th May

How long is the ride?

Re: Re: Sunday 7th May

how long is a piece of string, its all down to how long you want it to be lol

Re: Re: Sunday 7th May

Probably about 4 hours usually with lots of stopping to admire the views.

Re: Sunday 7th May

Will be there for 9 also i have room if anybody needs lift.

Re: Re: Sunday 7th May

Hi Mick, Just wanted to check you were ok? Looks like the asthma really affected you badly. I hope this hasn't put you off?



Re: Sunday 7th May

Hello mate,Am fine now thanks for asking, I will be back.