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Re: Re: Saturday...

I am also someone who likes to get out early and finnish early, and whoever you come across and whatever you come acorss you can spend time dealing with or enjoying and still get back in good time.
The thing is that not many people think this way or it does not suit their lifestyle.
Timberland, 50 Acre, and Leigh Woods is fantastic at the moment. I would be up for another ride with you if not for all of the Tennants Supera Doopera I've already drunk!!!!!!!!
Have a good'un.
Have to go back tomorrow :-)

Re: Saturday...

Oooh I had a lovely ride, you missed a corker. It was beautiful. ALthough I did see two naked men dancing around a campfire in Ashton Court. I'm not sure that's entirely legal but they were very nice and said hi. I dediced not to stop and ask what they were doing. Maybe it was somethign I ate because I had come from Leigh Woods where I saw a group of goths reenacting a historical scene in the trees - they had swords and everything. I didn't stop to ask them what they were doing either. Hope they didn't think I was rude - have never pedalled so hard in all my life!

Off out again now. Trying to revise but it's so beautiful out there at the moment...

Re: Re: Saturday...

Not so sure about the naked men dancing around the fire, but I am sure the Goths you think you saw were a National group of people who get together at four different places in England and act out a play kind of thing. Bit like a Dungions and Dragons re-enactment.
They have a goal or purpose given to them, and act out what they have to do.
Despite being sick with a cold, had to get up there this afternoon again to enjoy the trails... and my bike is still clean!!!!!!!! Pissing it down now and tomorrow.

Re: Saturday...

That explains it! They were there again laslt night when I ran through Leigh Woods. All very menacing but I'm sure it's great fun. They probably look at the mtbers and think 'weirdos'. Who are we to talk?

I think the trails will dry quickly though. My balcony is already dry! I'mm going for a spin around later to see. The work done on the wiggly bit near the quarry is good - has made a real difference to speed round there. Note to self: learn the names of the trails...

Re: Re: Saturday...

I was also suprised how much hard work had gone in to the maintance of Quarry Trail, but talking to someone from BMBC on Sunday, everything is done wrong, all the wrong way round, complete waisted time, bad maintainance, all the wrong interesting bits put in at the wrong places, maintainance always done on the wrong days, at which point thought I'd better move along before I realy said what I thought!!!!!!
I only wanted to say hello :-(
I am sure that this is going to put up a big stink, but a lot of dedication and hard work goes in to the maintainance of the trails, and is for the general receration and enjoyment for anyone and everyone around Bristol and further away, not just for competitions and the seriouse people. There is the whole of the United Kingdom land could be bought for such seriousness and be maintained how they wish ;-)