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bristol bike fest


I have just joined........and getting back on my bike following a broken leg ( not a biking incident!). I really want to enter a female team for the bristol bike fest on 10th june. Anyone know anybody who'd be interested. Have 2.......need 2 more. Cheers!

Re: bristol bike fest

I would be interested in joining in - it would be a bit of fun, as long as you are not intending to be too competitive about it (i'm not that good.....)!!!

Re: Re: bristol bike fest

Hi, not sure I have the ability for anything competitive.. yet... However, any chance of training with you to gage my ability and improve my skills? Jo

Re: Re: Re: bristol bike fest


yep definately............have only just started myself........... so i'm not sure whether you'll pick up any skills from me!. .............only entering for fun.

do you want to email me your tel no. and we can arrange something.


Re: Re: bristol bike fest

definately in it for the fun factor............never entered any competitions........and have only just started really. boyfriend is entering teams and I would rather participate than watch! I will try and email you over the weekend and we can meet up.

hopefully see you soon,


Re: Re: Re: bristol bike fest

Hi girls jane collier here i am the ladies club rep,i have not been out much myself due to illness will be riding out from ashton court golf kiosk at 10:30 on sunday(weather permitting) if you are interested but it will be a steady ride.

Re: Re: bristol bike fest

hi helen,

I tried to email got sent back! Wandered if you are around on sat pm and fancy a ride in leigh woods/ashton court. Either way give me a call on 07771 664241 and we can discuss the bike fest.

Am away next week so hoping to get it all sorted before then.


Re: bristol bike fest


Its nice to hear there are some female members of the bike club. I have entered Bike Fest but solo otherwise would have loved to do a team. Can't ride Sunday because last day of revision before exams but they'll be over on Thursday then I'd love to meet some people from the bike club. I've been posting here for a while but never seem to have actually met anyone! Thursdays are bad (running) and I often race at weekends. One day!
