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Re: Re: Duncans Snapped Frame

Should find out this week about frame, but have heard from several sources that Marin are good with their warranty.
Been away climbing on Skye - just got back today.

Re: Re: Re: Duncans Snapped Frame

How was Skye Dunc? Did you huck off In Pin?!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Duncans Snapped Frame

Was thinking about hucking the `in pin` but thought 18 metres was a little excessive and i might end up snapping another frame!!!!!!!!!
On the subject of frames sounds like Marin are sending me a new TARA frame complete with rear shock, seat post and a few other goodies.
Will try to get it built up for the w/end.
Skye was fantastic - only 1 day of rain. sunshine for the rest of it. Nearly sussed the ridge.Will be going back later this year.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Duncans Snapped Frame

Good news on the frame. Might snap mine! Only joking.

Sorry to hastle you just getting back from hols. Just wondered when the DVD for CYB might be availble?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Duncans Snapped Frame

Hi Andy,
DVD is going to be done in June as i cant start it until ive finished one on the Pyrenees.
Will be in touch ASAP.

Re: Duncans Snapped Frame

Good news about the new frame. Too bad its still a Marin though...I would have thought they could have replaced it with somethings else

What will you trade it in on?

Re: Re: Duncans Snapped Frame

Decided i cant afford another frame at the moment, so will have to stick with this one. When this one snaps i will go and buy a proper bike.!!!!