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Bike Fest???

Tinkering with the idea of doing the Bike Fest this year. Might anyone be interested in getting together a team for the 'Team Fun' event on the 10th June? Found out that entries are still being taken.

Re: Bike Fest???

Yes me.
Although I am in for just the event itself and am interested in how I do end up doing.
I don't consider myself very fit at all, ALTHOUGH...... I have alredy entered myself in the event as an individual after a visit last year and saying to myself... NO WAY, NOT A CHANCE, NOT ME!!!!!
May be able to get my entry changed.

Re: Bike Fest???

England playing that day, so am going drinking instead

Re: Re: Bike Fest???

Demo bikes,TV and a BAR all at bikefest now that sounds sooooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Re: Re: Bike Fest???

Yes but..... what about the riding in question?????
(deleted what I was going to say about football!!!!).

Re: Re: Re: Re: Bike Fest???

the riding will ace as all ways.

Re: Bike Fest???

You blokes should all be ashamed of yourself for whimping out of the solo event on the Sunday at Bike Fest. I had never ridden 12 hours before but entered anyway and have just returned from a 12 hour training ride to prove to myself I can do it.

Come on Bristol MTB Club - show us what you're made of!

Fi (a girl)

Re: Re: Bike Fest???

I rode up to the Bike Fest last year, took one look at it all and said... NO WAY, NOT A CHANCE IN HELL AM I EVER DOING THAT, NO WAY AM I FIT ENOUGH... I'm doing the solo this year and am going to love every minuite of it!!!!!! :-)
Then going to get very, very, very drunk and try and ride home to St George.

Re: Bike Fest???

I'm made of pies mainly.. you don't want to see it ;)

Re: Re: Bike Fest???

12 hours of riding round AC. I cant think of anything more boring And you have to pay for the privelege....I'm sure youw ill convince yourself that you are enjoying it!

I think the 3 hours I'll be doing on the Saturday will be enough, esp if it stays as boggy as it is at the mo. Good luck to you though. 12 hour sslo is not to be scoffed at, esp on a course as bumpy as AC.

Are you riding a hardtail?! That's gunna hurt in the morning......

Re: Bike Fest???

Will decide hardtail or full sus nearer the time. Got the 100k Merida on Sunday which I'll do on a hardtail to see how I fare. Did the 12 hours last sunday on a full sus.

Bikefest might be really boring, I agree. However, it is THERE, you know? Just got to be done.

Re: Re: Bike Fest???

Why shouldn't you do a race if it's on your local trails? You might know Ashton Court like the back of your hand but when you're racing against other people it's totally different to a normal ride. Also, there's going to be a big dig day the Saturday before the race, so if the course is in bad shape you've only got yourselves to blame!

Whoah there

Hang on a minute before you jump on my back!

Where did I say you shouldn't race on your local trails? After all, I am doing the team day on the Saturday.

I do think that riding a relatively short course on your local trails for 12 hours (esp if the trails are cut up from the Saturday) would be boring. That is my opinion and I am entitled to it. I take it you are doing the 12 hour solo event then Anthony?!

As for the 'only got yourselves to blame'. Let's not go into the long drawn out saga about the state of the trails. If they are in bad shape (esp the Hawthorns section on BBL) I think I can be well within my right to blame;

- The weather
- The poor surface that particular trail was built with
- The lack of funding/maintenance by the trail builders
- The rare plants that are on the old BBL trails that prevent us from being able to use that trail

I appreciate as much as most the hard work that is done by those volunteers to keep the trails in a reasonably rideable state throughout the year. I even helped out once!

As for the dig the Saturday before. I think that you will need more than one day of digging to sort out the BBL trails. Paul Newman said that there will be 3 weeks work to get the trails in top shape and, knowing Paul, he'll do everything he can to get things right on the day.

Do you know any more about this trail work Anthony? I cant get into the BTG forum from work...

I hope this happens for eveyones benefit. If the trails dont dry out in time, it is going to be like riding in the Somme. Not my idea of fun or a wise use of £27. Heaven help the solo riders the day after (and all the locals who have to use the trails week in, week out in the aftermath).

If it dries out, it will be great fun & I am looking forward to it either way.

Let's wait and see. It's mainly weather dependant anyway. Fingers crossed.

Look forward to seeing you there for a spot of bike mud wrestling

Re: Whoah there

I was toying with the idea of doing it solo but I think I'd rather drink beer and muck about! I know quite a few people who've done it solo and none of them reckoned it was boring - there are lots of races that don't even have any singletrack on the course, and some XC races are like riding round and round a billiard table, but the 12 definitely doesn't fall into this category.

Re the state of the trails, about 2/3 of the Hawthorns section is going to be fixed by contractors, and the dig the weekend before should take care of the rest.