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Unregulated MTB courses

Dear All,

I feel the need to get this off my chest, so humour me and my soap box for a moment.

I was at Cwmcarn on Sunday and d'you know where, about 15 mins into the course, there's a steep ascent with lots of roots traversing the track?

Well anyway, there were six or so kids, about 16 years old, two minus helmets all arses out of saddles in low gears and stopping on the way up. Now if I stop on a hill, first thing I do is to move my bike out the way, just in case others behind are still spinning and need to pass. These kids didn't move, so I called ahead for them to move to the side....

That's kind of by-the-by, but the upshot of this, is that courses such as Cwmcarn, unregulated as they are do not have a mechanism in place to exclude riders who turn up without even the most basic protection (a lid). This will in turn lead to injury. Indeed, whilst chatting to a local rider, he'd said that four weeks previously, a kid had been killed after falling down the hill and hitting his helmetless head against a rock.

Ultimately, if these courses remain unregulated, those who ride with some knowledge of what they're doing and are properly equipped will also be at risk as they attempt to negotiate past less able/experienced riders.

This may sound controversial, but if a nominal charge where applied to use these courses, it would dispel riders who are not yet ready to ride more difficult terrain, plus the proceeds could be used to maintain the trail and facilities (showers and stuff).

This beef may come across as being a little fascistic, possibly exclusive, but people need to differentiate between 'serious' MTB and cycling. If people want to go for a cycle ride with a few bumps, they should head for a toe path and leave the likes of Cwmcarn to those who have some idea of what they're doing.

I feel cleansed now.

Re: Unregulated MTB courses

What's a toe path?

Re: Re: Unregulated MTB courses

It's a path that you put your toes on.

Re: Re: Re: Unregulated MTB courses

You mean a "Toepath" is a smaller version of a "Footpath" ;-)

Re: Unregulated MTB courses

Relax... Mountain Streams... Man ;-)

Charging for trail use would'nt work. Twats like us would pay and the trails would still be used by people of the likes you talk about (not paying).

Anyway, who's going to Police it ?

They cant stop Mx'ers so whos going to worry about a BMX Bandit :-)

Re: Re: Unregulated MTB courses

LOL at Steve! You beat me to it! I agree with other comments - no more regulation please, people need to make their own mistakes.Also think it's pretty impossible to close the trail right off and only have gated access - what next? Tax the badgers?

Re: Re: Re: Unregulated MTB courses

Yeah.. Tax Badgers and the Birds they don't do anything. And Bill Oddie ;-)

make them wear helmets as well :-)

Re: Re: Re: Re: Unregulated MTB courses

Seems the kid who fell down the hill and hit his head was on foot. I'm happy to be corrected on this though... Helmets for pedestrians!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Unregulated MTB courses

yes lets tax all the ramblers, give the badgers the power to police it and evict the ramblers! damn them all. and thier red socks damn them all. they are all objectionable half wits anyhooo...!

Re: Unregulated MTB courses

It does really annoy me when i see people without helmets riding, i've seen kids on the DH course at cwmcarn without them a few times, but theres really nothing that can be done to police it. If you tell them they should be wearing a helment you get a load of lip in return, so let them smash there brains out tbh.

Take all the warning signs off everything and let natrual selection do its work!

Re: Re: Unregulated MTB courses

The number of riders I see riding bike on the road and off road carrying their helmets!!!!!!!!!! Duhhhh!!!!!!