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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Unregulated MTB courses

yes lets tax all the ramblers, give the badgers the power to police it and evict the ramblers! damn them all. and thier red socks damn them all. they are all objectionable half wits anyhooo...!

Re: Unregulated MTB courses

It does really annoy me when i see people without helmets riding, i've seen kids on the DH course at cwmcarn without them a few times, but theres really nothing that can be done to police it. If you tell them they should be wearing a helment you get a load of lip in return, so let them smash there brains out tbh.

Take all the warning signs off everything and let natrual selection do its work!

Re: Re: Unregulated MTB courses

The number of riders I see riding bike on the road and off road carrying their helmets!!!!!!!!!! Duhhhh!!!!!!