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AC Timberland Trail - which direction to ride??

Hi all

As a relative newcomer to the trails in Ashton Court, could people enlighten me on the general direction used for the timberland trail?

From the gate house at the top of AC, I've always turned right on to the trail and ridden up, with the golf course on the left. It seems though that most people ride the opposite.

I wouldn't want to be going against the norm and peeing people off so advice appreciated!


Re: AC Timberland Trail - which direction to ride??

The official way is up the trail, with the golf course on the left but it is universally accepted by many that it can be ridden in both directions.

I certainly think this is acceptable, as long as we are courteuos to each other, especially if travelling in the 'wrong' direction

Re: AC Timberland Trail - which direction to ride??

Cheers steve. Thats what i thought but wanted to check.

Think most of us are courteous - I only posted because about 8 guys in full face lids blasted through the "wrong way" yesterday with no thanks or warning of how many more there were

Re: Re: AC Timberland Trail - which direction to ride??

That's downhillers for you . Seriously though, prob just kids who wouldn't say please or thankyou in general, with the 'mob attitude' of 'there's more of us than you, we are right'.....

Re: AC Timberland Trail - which direction to ride??

bloody kids!! Seriously tho, full face lids and 6 inch full sussers in Ashton Court! Or maybe they were just too busy laughing at my vintage Rockhopper to say thanks!