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New Rules from British Airways

Spotted this which may affect those flying to the Alps. Let's hope not after all the trouble with Easyjet. They say they will phase this in from early July.


'Maximum weight and size

We will not accept any item of baggage that weighs more than 23kg (50lbs) or oversized items exceeding 2.4m x 0.75m x 0.75m (94in x 29in x 29in).

Advance notification is required 24 hours before departure for exceptional items that weigh between 23kg - 45kg (50 - 90lbs) and which cannot be repacked e.g. musical instruments, electrical wheelchairs, some sporting items, TV news cameras, commercial spares.'

Simon S.

Re: New Rules from British Airways

Cheers for that

I did call BA yesteday to confirm I would be taking a bike (as requested on their website) and they said it would be fine, despite wigihing approx 28kg with box.

I do recommend that everyone calls them in advance to let them know.

With regards to size of the packing. Most bike bags should be fine. My box just fits in height wise.

Re: New Rules from British Airways

I called BA about the calling in advance, but the guy said I would have to know weight & size exactly, and also said that they would have plenty of room (I did tell him that there would be about 18 of us). He also mentioned that we could pool our baggage weights as well. Not that it will be much good to us seeming we will all likely be "over".

Re: Re: New Rules from British Airways

But pooling would be good for us with the heavier bikes

Re: New Rules from British Airways

I called when i booked the flight and let them know
so its all ok.

Cant wait now.