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anyone up for a sunday ride?

Re: anyone up for a sunday ride?

I think the Forest of Dean is the likely destination. Meet at Pedalabikeaway @ 10am I think.

Re: Re: anyone up for a sunday ride?

FOD for me i'll be at the cottage for 9 if anyone needs a lift.

Forest of Dean Sunday 9th.

Forest of Dean for me as well. As James said meet at the cottage at 9.00 or 10.00-ish at the Pedal-away visitors centre.

See you there.

Stephen W.

Re: Forest of Dean Sunday 9th.

Hi just moved into area and looking for people to go biking with, wonder if i can tag along to forest of dean on sunday, and if so can anyone give me a more accurate place to meet, thanks Martin 07050 227738 or

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Replying to:

Forest of Dean for me as well. As James said meet at the cottage at 9.00 or 10.00-ish at the Pedal-away visitors centre.

See you there.

Stephen W.

Re: Re: Forest of Dean Sunday 9th.

The Cottage car park is off cumberland road, link

The Pedalaway bike center link